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Wirtschaftsingenieurwissenschaften Sustainability and Smart Building Technology Studium


  • Abschluss- bezeichnung

    Master of Science

  • Fachgruppe


  • Studienform


  • Studienstart


  • Dauer

    4 Semester

  • ECTS


  • Standorte


  • Sprache


  • Kosten

    EUR 15.360,00

    Monthly Payment for Nationals:
    24 installments à EUR 640,00

    Semester Payment for Internationals:
    4 installments à EUR 3.840,00

    Application Fee for Non-EU Citizens:
    EUR 250,00

(Master of Science)

Humans spend around 90 % of their time indoors. For our well-being, we need enough light and fresh air and the temperature should be comfortable. As a result, not only do residential buildings, offices and shops need enough space, but they also demand plenty of energy - these are two resources which are coming under close scrutiny when thinking about creating a sustainable future. This degree programme focuses on technology in the real estate sector which can be used to run buildings efficiently whilst also being user-friendly.

The term PropTech (Property Technology) has been coined to refer to technological developments and digital services in the real estate sector over the past ten years. Whilst the number of use cases and business models are on the constant rise, what are known as smart buildings are probably the most well-known examples of PropTech in use. They involve the use of automation to make indoors a comfortable space for humans to spend their time whilst also combating climate change by striving to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Buildings are currently responsible for around 40 % of total emissions. More and more buildings with sustainable, user-friendly and highend technology are planned and built every year. Nevertheless, there is still a high number of buildings in existence which have a long lifespan and poor energy efficiency. This degree programme concentrates on action and strategies which can be implemented to improve existing infrastructures with regard to their use of resources and equip them with digital technology to create more user friendliness for all involved, whether that be owners, administrators or users.


This degree programme is one of its kind in the field of real estate management and technology. Based on Berlin, the hub of Europe's start-up eco-system, the university provides students with access to new innovations and even gives them the opportunity to set up their very own PropTech start-up. The real estate sector in Germany accounts for more than 10% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Students can make the most of the close contact they'll have with our leading industry partners and experienced teaching staff, as well as the array of opportunities for their future career.

Course Language

Start of Studies
Winter semester - 1st October | Summer semester 1st April

Study Mode and Duration
Full-time, 2 years | 4 semester

Tuition Times

  • Lectures are generally held in blocks on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays between 8:30 am and 6:30 pm
  • 30 percent of the lectures take place online
  • There are around 8 weeks of university holidays per academic year

Course of Studies and Contents

Admission Requirements

A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) of at least six semesters at a university (or equivalent institution), a technical college in Germany, or an equivalent institution abroad with a minimum grade "Satisfactory" in the following or similar subjects:

  • Architecture
  • Civil engineering
  • Business and industrial engineering
  • Business studies and economics
  • Facility management
  • Real estate
  • Geography
  • Town and regional planning
  • Law
  • Commercial law
  • Surveying
as well as at least one year of relevant professional experience and an English language certificate with level B2 or higher (IELTS min 5.5; TOEFL iBT min. 72; PTE min. 59).

Career Prospects

Graduates from this programme will obtain a set of skills specific to this profession and they will be able to fill the new job positions available in the real estate and property management sector, with an array of prospects extending to include a variety of areas in property management. The Master's programme will also give graduates the option of setting up their own company, not to mention access to a multitude of potential employers, such as private, cooperative and municipal housing associations, asset management companies, property management companies, project development enterprises, real estate service providers, consultancy and valuation companies, organisations and consortia. PropTech start-ups, in particular, offer excellent career prospects after graduation.

Occupations | Lines of Work

  • Project Manager in Digitalisation
  • Innovation Manager
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Technological Infrastructure Manager

Weitere Informationen

Titelbild Pre-Study Kurs Wirtschaft, Technik und Kommunikation

Digitales Lernen und Lehren

Informationen und Impressionen zur Online-Lehre der bbw Hochschule.

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Geprüfte Qualität

Die bbw Hochschule ist durch den Wissenschaftsrat institutionell akkreditiert und durch die FIBAA systemakkreditiert.

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Studieren in Berlin an der bbw Hochschule

Studieren in Berlin

Berlin bietet für Absolvent:innen vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten.

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