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Business Engineering in Digital Transformation


  • Abschluss- bezeichnung

    Master of Science

  • Fachgruppe


  • Studienform


  • Studienstart


  • Dauer

    4 Semester

  • ECTS


  • Standorte


  • Sprache


  • Kosten

    Monthly Payment for Nationals:
    24 installments à EUR 640,00

    Semester Payment for Internationals:
    4 installments à EUR 3,840.00

    Application Fee for Non-EU Citizens:
    EUR 250,00

(Master of Science)

Digital transformation affects almost all areas of a company. Therefore, the students can be employed in a variety of ways after they graduate. The course aims to impart application-oriented knowledge in the area of digital transformation of business processes in interaction with engineering implementation.

The graduates are able to coordinate this digital transformation in companies and are the interface between IT and other corporate areas such as production, marketing or purchasing. Specialist knowledge in the areas of information technology, engineering and business administration should be conveyed in an application-oriented manner within the framework of digitalization and implemented by the students in a practical manner.

Companies in Germany currently need more than a hundred thousand employees (according to various studies). The demand for qualified employees in the area of digitalization will continue to increase exponentially in the next few years, so that in just a few years more than 4 times as many jobs will have to be filled as before. The topic of digitalization also affects all industries and sectors and is one of the central topics in the future. By choosing this course of study, you will be a sought-after specialist and will be able to choose the job that best suits you in the future.

Study Content

The Study Programme

Duration of the study course

  • 2 years or 4 semesters.

Commencement of studies
  • Full-time course: 1st April and 1st October

Application Deadline for international applicants
  • 15th August for the winter semester 15th February for the summer semester

Admission Requirements

  • A Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) of at least six semesters at a university (or equivalent institution), a technical college in Germany or an equivalent institution abroad with a minimum grade of "Satisfactory"
  • Good English language skills of a Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This language proficiency can be demonstrated with the following certificates:

    • IELTS exam: minimum score of 5.5
    • TOEFL iBT: minimum score of 72
    • PTE: minimum score of 59

    German language skills are not required for the Master's programme.

Perspectives after Graduation

In order for global manufacturing companies to remain competitive, they must face the challenges of digitalization. The successful transfer of previous economic and technical processes to digital processes requires the know-how of specialists. The bbw University has developed the master's degree program "Business Engineering in Digital Transformation" in order to provide future specialists for companies in order to be well prepared for global competition in the area of digitalization of company processes. The broad spectrum of the course allows you to specialize in your job in different areas of the company. The students have skills that are useful for small and medium-sized companies as well as large companies.

  • Mechanical Engineering (small and medium-sized companies as well as large companies)
  • Automotive Industry
  • Medical Sector
  • Automation Technology and Robotics
  • Traffic and Transport Technology
  • Authorities
  • Consulting

More Information