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bbw Gruppe zeichnet Mechatroniker mit Studienfinanzierung aus
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bbw Gruppe zeichnet Mechatroniker mit Studienfinanzierung aus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Dust folgt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer im Amt
Stiftung Akkreditierungsrat bescheinigt ausgezeichnetes QM-System
Now located at the Science and Technology Park Berlin-Adlershof.
HLaN brings digital health applications to healthcare.
New domicile in the Adlershof Science and Technology Park
Ursula Schwill began her position as the new Chancellor of bbw Hochschule at the beginning of October.
As from now the bbw Hochschule offers certificate courses in various formats relevant to the market.
The bbw Hochschule is already expanding its spectrum of business, industrial engineering and engineering sciences for the coming winter semester: educational and social sciences will be added as a fourth department.
Panel grants reaccreditation for the next five years.
The management of bbw Hochschule will be strengthened for future-oriented teaching, research and academic continuing education
bbw Start-Up Center PUSH of the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences will be established in the centre of Berlin's science and start-up metropolis.
bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Science publishes research report for the years 2018 and 2019.
The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences will immediately implement the measures provided by the Senate Chancellery of Higher Education and Research.
Die bbw Hochschule hat im Rahmen der Fördermaßnahme des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)" EXIST-Potentiale" den Zuschlag für ihr Vorhaben "bbw PUSH" gewonnen.
Mit einem nahezu komplett modernisierten Bachelor-Studienangebot im Fachbereich der Wirtschaftswissenschaften tritt die bbw Hochschule zum bevorstehenden Wintersemesterstart an. Dadurch werden sowohl Inhalte, als auch der Studienaufbau an den Bedarf der Wirtschaft, aktuelle Branchenentwicklungen, zu erwartende Trends und günstigere Studienabläufe angepasst. Alle Änderungen sind bereits durch den Berliner Senat genehmigt. Sie betreffen ausschließlich die neu beginnenden Studiengänge. Die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sind über sämtliche Neuerungen informiert. Die Master-Studiengänge werden unverändert angeboten.
Endlich Games-Förderung: Statement von Prof. Dr. Malte Behrmann, Professor für Wirtschaftskommunikation und Creative Industry Management der bbw Hochschule sowie Gründungs-GF des GAME e.V.
bbw Hochschule und das 2018 als Top Universität Indiens bewertete Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT) werden künftig zusammenarbeiten. Dafür werden beide im Anschluss an die Absolventenfeier am 16.11.2018 ein Memorandum of Understanding unterzeichnen.
Das Health Reality Lab Network (HLaN) unterstützt Startups beim Marktzugang. Die Vernetzung aller Akteure durch innovative digitale Lösungen kann das deutsche Gesundheitswesen deutlich besser und effizienter machen. Gerade in der Hauptstadtregion Berlin-Brandenburg gibt es dafür noch erhebliches Potenzial. Das neue Projekt Health Reality Lab Network (HLaN) will dazu einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten.
Im Gespräch mit dem Publikum über sein neues Buch und die Auswege aus der Innovationsfalle sind Insider und Autor Prof. Dr. Malte Behrmann (bbw Hochschule) und Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, Dorothee Bär (MdB).
Anfang Juli hat Heide Traemann als neue Kanzlerin der bbw Hochschule ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. Hier wird sie an der Seite des Rektors und der Studienleiterin ab sofort die Hochschulverwaltung und die Haushaltsverantwortung übernehmen. Heide Traemann kommt von der Technischen Hochschule Brandenburg. Dort war sie von 2012 bis 2017 Pressesprecherin und Leiterin Kommunikation, PR und Marketing.
On 25 April 2017 bbw University of Applied Sciences - University of Applied Sciences celebrated its 10th anniversary with an official ceremony held at the Estrel convention centre in Berlin. Since its founding, bbw has become the largest private, state-recognised university in Berlin-Brandenburg, which has its roots firmly planted in the regional economy and headquarters located in Berlin. There are a number of reasons why the university has grown so rapidly, including having the right ideas at the right time, the dedication and perseverance of its staff, strong partners and the 1,200 successful graduates, 80 of whom have received their bachelor's degree and school reports today.
The birthday buddy bear is still an ice bear, but a competition for ideas will change that. The bbw University of Applied Sciences celebrated its founding - 10 years ago today- and other important milestones in its development with a birthday cake and a reception attended by students, teaching staff and university employees.
bbw University of Applied Sciences and the Institute for Leadership Dynamics (ILD) - Europe have a cooperation agreement with each other and are now offering a new executive format for on-the-job training as a HR Business Partner. This programme gives trainees vast practical experience based on the ILD concept. An information evening about the programme will be held on 6 December 2016.
bbw University of Applied Science's advisory committee for creative industries is commencing its work just in time for the start of the Master's programme in Management of Creative Industries (MCI) in the upcoming 2016/2017 winter semester.
This year the bbw University of Applied Sciences had the highest enrolment rate to date and it was able begin the new fall semester with nearly all of its scheduled programmes of study. For the first time, the programmes being offered included the new Master's programme in Real Estate Project Management.
The bbw University of Applied Sciences held its first ever cross-industry Recruiting Career Day on 25 June 2015, which received an unexpectedly big response. This was the beginning of a new series of events which are intended to give companies in the region the opportunity to directly recruit specialists and managers, while also making it easier for students and graduates to get off to a good start in their career.
Between 10 am and 3 pm students and professors from the different programmes will be giving presentations on the university.
Other partnerships for an indefinite duration for hands-on advanced training and continuing professional development courses held by specialists and managers in the tourism industry
The Accreditation Council issues system accreditation until the 2022 winter semester
bbw University of Applied Sciences, which is the university of applied sciences run by business for business in Berlin and Brandenburg, has become the first private university of applied sciences in the metropolitan region to complete the system accreditation process along with the state-run University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin and the University of Potsdam.
The bbw University of Applied Sciences, which is a university of applied sciences run by business for business in Berlin and Brandenburg, has be re-accredited for another five years by the 'Wissenschaftsrat' (German Council of Science and Humanities). This accreditation also means that the university and its academic degrees are state recognised as well as internationally recognised in the future.
The first programme of study with a holistic approach - geared towards the cultural creative industries - suitable for the businesses in the creative industries - for everyone who is striving to obtain a managerial position and wants to be part of the creative city of Berlin
A top partnership for praxis-oriented advanced training and continuing professional development courses for specialists and managers in the travel industry in Berlin and Brandenburg
The bbw University of Applied Sciences is expanding its range of courses in the Uckermark District.
The German Transportation Science Society (DVWG) held a summer party yesterday in collaboration with bbw University of Applied Sciences.
Again this year, numerous institutions of higher education in Berlin and Brandenburg opened their doors to the public and invited them to see behind the scenes. The motto of this year's event, which was held between 10-14 May 2014, was 'Come in and leave smarter than before - the smartest night of science'. bbw University of Applied Sciences was one of the numerous universities participating in this year's event.
Berlin, 10 September 2014 - The economic loss caused by fraud in e-commerce has skyrocketed in the past year and it is expected to reach around 2.4 billion euros in 2014.
Bachelor's and Master's programmes of study ranging from electrical engineering to business communications. The German economy is already in need of of highly qualified engineers and economists who have the latest know-how in both traditional and technology and economy related business areas.
Do you want study while continuing to work? That's no problem in Uckermark. After all, the economy is urgently looking for engineers.
The students at bbw University of Applied Sciences demonstrate resilience. To date there have not been any students who have dropped out of the university.
"Prenzlauer Zeitung" from 09-10 June 2012
The branch campus in Prenzlau featured in the 13/06/2012 edition of the 'Anzeigenkurier'
The bbw University of Applied Sciences' branch campus in Prenzlau was featured in the newspaper supplement on the local economy titled 'The business hub of Uckermark in 2012 - we are making things happen!'
An interview with the new Vice-Chancellor of the bbw University of Applied Sciences.
16 students from the Uckermark region have decided to study the third programme of study in Prenzlau
Today a good fifth of bbw University of Applied Sciences' student body started off their full-time programmes of study, which also encompass praxis-oriented projects, with a commencement party that was held in the Berliner Haus der Wirtschaft.
Newspaper article in the 'Prenzlauer Zeitung' from 28 July 2011
Newspaper article in Prenzlauer Zeitung from 15 July 2011.
A vote was held at the members' meeting of the Association of Private Universities of Applied Sciences (Verband der Privaten Hochschulen e.V.) to admit bbw University of Applied Sciences as a member to its association and its admission was unanimously agreed.
Since 2007 Prof. Dr. Herbert Grüner, a qualified economist, has been a professor at the Art School of Berlin. Since the early 1990s, he has held several managerial positions at companies and universities of applied sciences, and has served on numerous university policy bodies, organisations and associations. Prof. Dr. Herbert Grüner was Vice-Chancellor of bbw University of Applied Sciences from May 2010 to April 2012.
bbw University of Applied Sciences is expanding its operations and is now looking for staff for the start of the next semester for its main campus in Berlin and for its other branches