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On 25 April 2017 bbw University of Applied Sciences - University of Applied Sciences celebrated its 10th anniversary with an official ceremony held at the Estrel convention centre in Berlin. Since its founding, bbw has become the largest private, state-recognised university in Berlin-Brandenburg, which has its roots firmly planted in the regional economy and headquarters located in Berlin. There are a number of reasons why the university has grown so rapidly, including having the right ideas at the right time, the dedication and perseverance of its staff, strong partners and the 1,200 successful graduates, 80 of whom have received their bachelor's degree and school reports today.
On 25 April 2017 bbw University of Applied Sciences - University of Applied Sciences celebrated its 10th anniversary with an official ceremony held at the Estrel convention centre in Berlin. Since its founding, bbw has become the largest private, state-recognised university in Berlin-Brandenburg, which has its roots firmly planted in the regional economy and headquarters located in Berlin. There are a number of reasons why the university has grown so rapidly, including having the right ideas at the right time, the dedication and perseverance of its staff, having strong partners and the 1,200 successful graduates, 80 of whom have received their bachelor's degree and school reports today. The majority of these graduates will be joining the workforce in companies located in the region of the capital as highly-trained specialists and motivated management trainees.
In their welcoming speeches, the governing mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, as well as business partners, sponsors, co-founders and long-term associates reflected on the milestones that the university has reached during its development over the past ten years. They also looked to the future and addressed some of the challenges facing bbw University of Applied Sciences in the future.
Michael Müller, governing mayor of Berlin: 'What makes this institution of higher education particularly attractive for students is its profile as a university of applied science for business administration, which meets the specific needs of businesses. By working in close cooperation with businesses located in Berlin and Brandenburg, the university can incorporate the needs of businesses into the programmes of study, thereby giving students a degree based on academic rigour and a hands-on approach. In my opinion, private institutions of higher education are a good alternative to complementing the programmes of study at state-run institutions, as they act as an incubator for new ideas in higher education and they enrich the higher education landscape.'
Christian Amsinck,Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Managing Director of the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Association (UVB): 'In only ten years, bbw University of Applied Sciences has become an integral part of the higher education landscape in Berlin. For companies, having a close link between praxis and instruction is of paramount importance. Students are trained so that they can immediately hold positions of responsibility in companies after they complete their degree. This is an invaluable asset in times where it is increasingly becoming apparent that there is a shortage of skilled workers in the region around the capital. The bbw University of Applied Sciences also gives priority to life-long learning. Given the digital revolution, life-long learning will be indispensable in all areas of the economy in the future - and for all types of workers. bbw University of Applied Sciences creates an important environment for meeting these needs.'
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Hafer, Vice Chancellor of bbw University of Applied Sciences: 'The development of our university of applied sciences over the past ten years as well as the development of the region around the capital give us reasons to be very optimistic in the future. In the future, the primary challenges will be ensuring a high level of teaching quality, the internationalisation and digitalisation of the university as well as reinforcing its profile as a university of applied sciences with close ties to business. We are already on the right course. We have developed new attractive and future-oriented programmes of study, such as foreign languages, we are currently modifying our standard courses, and we are adapting the configuration of the university to meet the requirements of new target groups and types of study programmes. An international office has been opened, an international research team has joined our institution, and we have created a management position for digitalisation and development of new courses of study. An additional challenge will be reaching future students. This requires even greater identification with our university of applied sciences. We offer inspiring courses and reliable service for students and offer them close contact with professors. Our university also holds events and matriculation and graduation parties, such as this one. We also intend to involved alumni more in our activities because many of our more than 1,200 graduates have already found a promising start to their careers.'
Dr. Andreas Forner, Managing Director of the bbw Academy for Continuing Education in Business Administration (holding society of the bbw University of Applied Science ):
'For me, as one of the co-founders of the bbw University of Applied Sciences, it is wonderful to see how much the institution has grown during the past ten years out of a simple idea. Our concept of combining practical experience with a degree that has specific emphasis on certain industries has worked. The development work for the university has been primarily oriented towards meeting the needs of businesses in the region and the university has relied on having close strategic partnerships with business associations, institutions, other institutions of higher learning and advisory councils. They have all been important factors for bbw's success. While in the beginning the Bachelor programmes were geared towards people working parallel to their studies who may not have completed their German A-levels (Abitur), we experienced an unexpected run on the full-time courses of study. Shortly afterwards we began to offer Master's programmes. In addition to Bachelor's and Master's degrees, bbw University of Applied Sciences now offers double degree and dual courses of study, which can be carried out domestically and at institutions in foreign countries. Of course, we have to thank the people who work at bbw as professors and administrators as well the students and their families for these achievements. To all of you I say thank you very much. In my opinion, bbw University of Applied Sciences can look forward to the next ten years with confidence thanks to having such a solid basis to work from.'