
We would be happy to introduce our courses and the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences.
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bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences

Wagner-Régeny-Str. 21
12489 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 319 909 50
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 319 909 555


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Career Center Job Portal

To find current internship and job offers and to get to our Career Center use the accesses to our job portal here.

Learning Portal and Webmail

To access the virtual course rooms with study material and learning activities, please use the Learning Portal login here. To access your internal university email, please use the Webmail client login here.

bbw Community

In the bbw Community you can download your current certificate of study and find the latest news from the university.


Quality Management Accreditation

The bbw University of Applied Sciences is institutionally accredited by the German Science and Humanities Council and is system-accredited by the Foundation Council.

The bbw University of Applied Sciences regards accreditation, with the involvement of independent accreditation institutions, as an important instrument of quality assurance and quality development.

Accredited by German Scientific Council and Foundation Council

Science Council approves quality of bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences

The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences is institutionally accredited or re-accredited by the German Science Council, the chief scientific policy advisory council for the German federal government and also for state governments. On this basis, it is recognized by the Senate Administration of the Berlin city-state government and is therefore internationally recognized as well.

The Science Council honours the successful establishment and expansion of the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences, the consistency of its practically oriented study programme with the profile of the university, its solid financial planning and its comprehensive network of industrially based partners. The Council approves the scientific quality of its teaching and the practical orientation and high scientific standards of its research.

Particular appreciation is shown for its consistent application of Section 11 BerlHG (the Berlin state law on higher education), which calls for recruiting qualified professionals for academic studies.

The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences is system-accredited by the Foundation Council

The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences was accredited on 13 April 2015 as the first private, state-recognized higher education institute in Berlin and neighbouring Brandenburg and reaccredited on 6 December 2023.

The quality seal of the German Accreditation Council, the national foundation for the accreditation of study courses, officially confirms the efficacy of its quality management system. The university's system of quality assurance in the field of studies and teaching ensures the high quality of the study courses and employs formalized procedures and tools to maintain the relevant accreditation criteria while meeting the European Quality Assurance Standards in Higher Education (ESG).

By system accreditation the university is endowed with the right of self-accreditation, all present and future study courses are recognized as accredited as soon as they have passed the requisite internal procedures.