
We would be happy to introduce our courses and the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences.
Arrange a personal consultation with us.

bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences

Wagner-Régeny-Str. 21
12489 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 319 909 50
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 319 909 555


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Career Center Job Portal

To find current internship and job offers and to get to our Career Center use the accesses to our job portal here.

Learning Portal and Webmail

To access the virtual course rooms with study material and learning activities, please use the Learning Portal login here. To access your internal university email, please use the Webmail client login here.

bbw Community

In the bbw Community you can download your current certificate of study and find the latest news from the university.


Study at the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences Studies

Understand economics and study a vocational course at the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences in Berlin in a variety of ways. Be it through our bachelor or masters programmes or via an exclusive further training course. Our programmes and courses are as unique as a day on campus. And the economy supports the university. Together, we develop courses according to the needs of different companies and organisations in the region. They support the teaching and evaluate and offer students and graduates career prospects. Together, we guarantee scientific excellence and practical focus.

All about studying

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Viel zu früh und unvergessen: Wir nehmen Abschied von Prof. Dr. Alexander Bülow!

Mit großer Trauer nehmen wir Abschied von unserem langjährigen, sehr geschätzten und viel zu ...

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bbw Hochschule: Abschlusszeugnisse und wirbelnde Hüte in Berlin-Adlershof

"Sie haben heute erfolgreich Ihr Studium abgeschlossen. Ihr Weg an der bbw Hochschule geht nun zu ...

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Welcome new bbw students!

The summer semester at bbw University of Applied Sciences started on 1 April. We welcome 77 ...

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There are no events currently planned.

Things to know about studying

Living and studying in the most exciting metropolis in Europe.

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Your way to the online applicatio.

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We would be very happy to offer you one-to-one guidance in person.

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We welcome anyone who wants to get a taste of university life.

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You can request detailed information material here.

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What you need to know about student financing, from the BAföG to grants

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Things to know about paying tuition fees

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