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HLaN brings digital health applications to healthcare.
It is considered a beacon of the Smart Service World II funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWi): the HLaN project of fib Research Institute of bbw University of Applied Sciences with a funding volume of around 3 million euros. This is stated in the bbw Hochschule's research report, which provides information on current events every two years and was recently published for the year 2020/2021. HLaN stands for Health Reality Lab Network and was launched in April 2018 with the aim of creating a nationwide network that enables innovative digital health companies to build sustainable business models and make them useful for healthcare.
This target has been more than achieved, as already in the past four years of the funding phase a network of 103 manufacturers of digital health applications, seven health insurance companies and ten employers has emerged, which has now been working together in the newly founded HLaN e.V. since March this year.
"Since the founding of the e.V., HLaN has been in the so-called exploitation phase, in which the focus is on the stabilisation, further expansion and processing of the project results, also at the EU level," explains Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas P. Zahn in his function as project leader and head of the fib Research Institute.
Thomas P. Zahn, who has also been Vice-Rector for Research at bbw University of Applied Sciences since 2020, sees Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. as a pioneer in the field of digitalisation in the healthcare sector.
Since the German healthcare system is very complex, the use of digital technologies is still weak, which presents start-ups developing innovative digital solutions with major hurdles. HLaN could help them overcome these more quickly through its network of innovative health insurance companies, employers and evaluation partners: "Because in our nationwide HLaN reallab, we enable eHealth start-ups to test and scientifically evaluate their products under real conditions of care practice. This creates the conditions for permanent care contracts with health insurance companies and employers as well as for more broadly effective access to the primary health care market and relevant companies," explains the HLaN project manager.
HLaN's infrastructure enables the patient-controlled transmission of data that has been collected in apps themselves, for example, to other network participants such as electronic patient records. There, this data can be combined with other data and used by doctors to provide care. In addition, HLaN users can participate in acceptance studies and provide feedback on newly developed products and gain insight into current study results.
"During the entire process, data protection and full data control by the 'sender' are top priorities for us. That is why the user can independently grant and revoke authorisations for the use of their data via their mobile device," says Professor Zahn. To present the research content and results, a showroom was set up specifically for the HLaN project at the bbw location in Berlin's Haus der Wirtschaft.
But in addition to HLaN as a frontrunner, bbw University of Applied Sciences is also on the road to success with many other showcase projects. For example, MUT, another research project from the health sector, for the implementation of telemedical care for people in need of care by outpatient doctors in rural areas. Or ImmoPredict for the development of an automated valuation model for apartment buildings in Berlin.
In the 2020/2021 reporting period, bbw University of Applied Sciences succeeded in meeting all the requirements of the Science Council, doubling the amount of third-party funding it acquired and further consolidating its place in the research landscape of the capital region, as well as becoming active at EU level for the first time. In doing so, the research activities are very broadly positioned and range from digitalisation to start-up support and e-health to artificial intelligence, linking science and business in an exemplary manner.
"The increasingly differentiating research landscape at bbw University of Applied Sciences offers a platform that not only brings young scientists and founders together with established companies," says Thomas P. Zahn. In addition, he said, it actively supports them in developing relevant research questions, acquiring funding and transferring the research results into sustainable business models, but also into training and further education. "I see this as a very significant contribution to strengthening Berlin-Brandenburg as a business location, which we will expand even further in 2022/2023."
Photos (2) to the press release: bbw University of Applied Sciences
prof-thomas-zahn.jpg: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas P. Zahn, Vice Rector Research and Head of the fib Research Institute at bbw University of Applied Sciences, is responsible for the HLaN project.
hlan-showroom.jpg: HLaN showroom at the bbw location in the Haus der Wirtschaft in Berlin
Press contact:
Heike Wittstock
Press and Public Relations Manager
Tel.: +4930 50929-383
bbw University of Applied Sciences is the business university for the business community in Berlin and Brandenburg. With around 1,200 students, it is one of the largest private, state-recognized universities in Berlin and Brandenburg. It is supported by the bbw Akademie für Betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung GmbH, a company of the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg (bbw Group). Working alongside the Berlin-Brandenburg business associations (UVB), the bbw and thus its university see themselves as educational partners of the regional economy. The particularly business-oriented and increasingly international study program is tailored to their needs for skilled workers. It mainly comprises bachelor's and master's degree programmes in business management, industrial engineering and engineering - also in English - which can be completed on a full-time, part-time or dual basis. Through its university-owned research institute and the affiliated institutes, bbw Hochschule realizes application-oriented contract- and third-party funded research projects.
More information:
bbw Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg is a non-profit group of companies in Berlin-Brandenburg. Working alongside the Berlin-Brandenburg business associations (UVB), bbw develops specialists and managers for companies in many sectors. With a wide range of training, continuing education and study programs, the bbw Group is a professional education partner for the business community at all levels of vocational education. The bbw Group currently has around 20 training centers and locations in the region. The bbw also includes one of the largest private, state-recognized universities in the capital region - bbw University of Applied Sciences - with an extensive range of bachelor's and master's degree programmes. The bbw Group is integrated into a broad network of partners - educational institutions, companies and associations - locally, regionally and internationally.
More information about bbw Group on the Internet:
www.bbw-weiterbildung.de und
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