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Study with a Strong Industry Focus - International Technology Transfer Management

Khushpreet Singh

Germany has made a name for itself worldwide not only as the land of poets and thinkers, but also as the land of engineers. The "Made in Germany" seal of quality promises high-tech products of the best quality and has not lost its excellent reputation to this day.

Germany owes its technical successes primarily to its engineers. To keep it that way, it needs enough young engineers - also from abroad. After all, internationality and intercultural competence are now among the most sought-after personality traits among employees in industry and business.

The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences has set itself the task of training competent junior staff both nationally and internationally for securing skilled labor through its industry-specialized courses of study. One of the most popular courses is currently " International Technology Transfer Management (ITTM)", which deals with innovation management, digitalization and technology transfer.

The Indian student Khushpreet Singh is studying ITTM in the 4th semester and came to Berlin to the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences with the dream of living in Germany after his studies and working for a large automotive company. "After my bachelor's degree in 'Industrial and production engineering' in India, I decided quickly that I would come to Germany for my master's degree," says Khushpreet. "I chose the ITTM course of study because I can further deepen the focus of my bachelor's degree here. Because the course also includes many topics in the field of technology and digitalization, the degree was the perfect combination for me."

In addition to the course content and career prospects, Khushpreet Singh was also impressed by our professors. "The professors all come from the business world and some of them still work in industrial companies parallel to their teaching positions. Thus we students have received practical knowledge from experts in the industry in our lectures. During my studies the head of the course of study, Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kunz, always supported me as a mentor and gave me lots of advice.

But Khushpreet also enjoyed studying because of the shared exchange within the courses: "In our lectures, we had the opportunity to discuss topics that move the world and think about innovative solutions. The open atmosphere within the study group really motivated me to think outside the box as well."

Because of the pandemic, Khushpreet completed three semesters of his studies online. "First of all, of course, the switch from presence to online was completely new for all of us. But the university, lecturers and students quickly managed this change to the digitalization of teaching. I'm grateful that we had the opportunity to continue our studies despite the pandemic and didn't lose any time in the switch from presence to online teaching."

Part of his previous studies was a mandatory internship in an industrial company. Khushpreet successfully completed his internship over several months in Mannheim in the logistics department of a globally known and internationally operating pharmaceutical company. "I enjoyed my time in the internship very much" says Khushpreet. "I was particularly impressed by the intercultural strength of the company and the innovative entrepreneurial spirit of my colleagues. As a young professional, my input was always heard and valued."

During his internship, Khushpreet was able to integrate himself so well into the company and the processes that he was able to develop a tool with a colleague, which was implemented in the company. The tool and the idea behind it has not only saved an enormous amount of time for the processes and employees, but also saves the company several 100,000 euros annually. Khushpreet even received an in-house award for his commitment. "I am very honored by this recognition," says Khushpreet.

Khushpreet was supported by the Career Service of the bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences in finding an internship. "I would like to especially thank Ms. Karth, head of the Career Service. She helped me with my application documents even beyond her work hours. After the first internship rejections, she kept motivating me to continue and in the end successfully."

Something else that helped Khushpreet a lot in his application phase was his good language skills in German and his understanding of the German culture. "I now know a lot about German culture and language. This is very helpful for me - not only during my studies and internship, also in my free time." At this point, Khushpreet also has a tip for all international study starters: "It is really important to get to know and understand the German culture, as well as to learn the German language. Especially when looking for a job later, this will help you. Furthermore, it is important to know what you want and how far you are ready to go to pursue your goals as well." Khushpreet's biggest challenge during his stay in Germany was to find an affordable apartment in Berlin - unfortunately, we citizens of Berlin know this struggle only too well!

Khushpreet is actually writing his master's thesis and applying for permanent position after his studies. His internship has now changed his focus to the transportation industry. "After my studies, I would like to start my professional career in logistics as an operations manager." The bbw Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences wishes him great success in his endeavor!

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