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Finally, the time had come: The ReTraNetz-BB project (Regional Transformation Network Berlin-Brandenburg) was also publicly launched on March 7 at the Fraunhofer Institute's PTZ Production Technology Center. The consortium under the leadership of Berlin Partner had invited to the first network forum. In an impressive hall of the PTZ, Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann, Institute Director at Fraunhofer IPK, welcomed the guests in his opening speech, followed by a keynote address by State Secretary Michael Kellner from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). Everyone had come, representatives from politics, IG Metall Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony and the vehicle and supplier industry. The highlight was the presentation of the topic tables by the representatives of the ReTraNetz, at which many interested people then crowded around an "open table" on the topics of production processes, business models, qualification and co-determination. This was a very good way to enter into an exchange with regional companies.
The BMWK project ReTraNetz-BB pursues the goal of supporting the vehicle and supplier industry located in the Berlin-Brandenburg region in a complex transformation situation. This transformation process is characterized by demographic change, the trends toward electromobility and digitalization, and demands for climate-neutral products and processes.
You can find out more about the project
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