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On March 4, the
14th Total Supplier Management-Workshop took place with over 100 participants from all over Germany. The workshop was held online for the first time and was jointly hosted by the BME of the Berlin/Brandenburg region and bbw University of Applied Sciences.
Prof. Robert Dust, Professor of International Technology Transfer Management at bbw University of Applied Sciences, welcomed the numerous participants and gave an overview of the possibilities. He added value of further developing holistic and preventive supplier management with innovative and digitalized methods. Business analytics tools for supplier risk management were presented.
Mr. Heinze, as a former research associate, presented the results of the
6th TSM- Study
, which examined the contribution that digitized supplier management can make to risk prevention in current and future partner networks. It became clear that by using digital tools and IT systems, companies can realize much more efficient supplier management by taking a preventive look at all suppliers and a much higher number of different risks along the supply chain.
How to keep track of your entire supplier base with the help of an efficient software solution was presented by Mr. Grastat, Managing Director of TSM Supply Bridge GmbH. In an end-to-end workflow, tsm enterprise solution identifies and analyzes critical suppliers and initiates improvement measures using a digitized toolbox and preventive maturity management.
What challenges and synergy effects the introduction of a cross-plant supplier management has as a result, was very impressively listed by Mr. Jankowski, Manager Purchased Parts Support at Daimler Truck AG.
Mr. Popp, Head of Supplier Management at Wittenstein SE, reported on his experiences in the practical application of Total Supplier Management and outlined the next steps for further optimization of holistic supplier management at Wittenstein using digitized methods and tools.
The next TSM workshop is scheduled for November 11, 2021 in Berlin and will focus on the use of AI and machine learning in supplier management.
Information on the 6th Total Supplier Management Study
The current study "Total Supplier Management - Risk Prevention through Digitalization in Supplier Management" can be found in the download area of this page. The study examines the extent to which the digitalization of supplier management is already delivering added value for companies today. How can intelligent analysis processes be used to identify critical suppliers at an early stage and initiate sustainable measures? It shows what contribution digitized supplier management can make to risk prevention in current and future partner networks.
The now sixth study of Total Supplier Management has been conducted by bbw University of Applied Sciences together with the Federal Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics of the Berlin-Brandenburg region (BME) and the Federal Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics in Austria (BMÖ). The study involved 110 companies from industry, trade and services.
The results show the current degree of implementation of the digital transformation in the enterprises and in the special associated establishment of a holistic supplier management. In particular, the question is answered to what extent the companies are equipped for the change to manage digital business models with the corresponding partner networks.
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